Discuz Hub

Frequent Ask Question

Discuz Hub

What's the Support requirements?🤔

  • Discuz! cored and version >X3.2
  • API version >4
  • Open mobile page and close anti-collection module
  • Close other plugin that may interupt native API(eg. QianFan Plugin)

How to make my discuz site compatible with the app?🤔

  1. Turn on mobile page
  2. Turn off anti-collection module
  3. Remove the plugins which may interupt API

Are there any ads? And will there be?🤔

DisFly is estimated to show ads provided by Google for financial compensation.

In forseable time, there is no ad projects. If some ads is added to app, we will notice in developer blog and our terms of services

Should the developer be responsible for the use of discuzhub?🤔

In short, no.

As you may know, our app is licenced MIT. In MIT License, the software is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.

How to donate the developer?🤔

You can sponsor us via wechat or alipay in Sponsor us.



Copyrights © 2024. All rights reserved

The project (Discuz Hub) is open-sourced with MIT License, Docs with CC BY 4.0
