Discuz Hub

Privacy Policy

Discuz Hub

The privacy policy is at 1st version, updated and take effect at March 16, 2020

Welcome to read our privacy policy

Your privacy is important to DisuzHub so we’ve developed a Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your personal information.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

We don't collect your information.

Other circumstances where your data may be collected


In website settings and your preference, when you browse the website's API, your data may leak. So we recommend you to use HTTPS protocol.


Because our app supports variety of BBS and they always have their own privacy policy and terms of use, the following information may be collected and used in passing data.

  • Search and view history
  • Personal preference
  • Information change
  • User agent
    • Operation system
    • Device information
    • Browser name and version
    • Typesetting engine and version

Subject to our privacy restrictions, we do not store, use or send your personal information. Therefore, the app does not send these private messages unless you actively write and send them.

Notification of future amendments to our privacy Policy

This policy is an important part of Discuzhub's services. We reserve the right to update or modify this policy from time to time. If such changes cause a substantial reduction in your rights under new policy, we will send you change notifications through different channels, including but not limited to website announcements, application push, and other methods. If you do not agree with the revised privacy policy, you have the right and should immediately stop using the app. If you continue to use the DiscuzHub app, you are deemed to have accepted the changes we made to the relevant terms of this policy.

Contact us

If you have questions about this policy or other related matters, please send an email to kidozh@gmail.com. We will answer your questions as soon as possible and make the necessary changes.



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The project (Discuz Hub) is open-sourced with MIT License, Docs with CC BY 4.0
